
Launching a Start-Up

July 5th, 2020

When I think of the entrepreneurs that I look up to, did they aspire to join the most prestigious companies of their day or dream to build something of their own?

Take Elon Musk for example. It's common knowledge that his ultimate mission is to make humans an inter-planetary species, yet he didn't join the largest aerospace companies of his day (Boeing, Lockheed Martin, NASA). Instead, he founded his own company SpaceX in an incredibly competitive and regulated space and is largely outpacing his competition today.

Some more food for thought. The largest computer company in the 1970's was International Business Machines (IBM). In 2020, when you think of computers you don't think of IBM, but you think of Apple and Microsoft.

What I find remarkably interesting is that the most prestigious companies college students hope to land a job with largely didn't exist 20 or even 10 years ago!